The best part about writing a blog series on spanx is the fact that I receive private messages from ladies from all over the place telling me of their own wild spanxcapades. I have gotten such a kick out of the stories I am reading that I have decided to post a few of them here for you (with permission).  Thank you to every lady who sent me your sordid tale. Thank you to the ladies who gave me permission to share and also to those who did not. I understand. Not everyone wants the internet to know their about their undergarment misadventures. I hope that in telling your story to me, you received a measure of healing.

“I never let my husband see me take off my spanx. It’s like popping the top on a can ‘o biscuits”.                                                                                                                                      Anonymous, Montgomery, Alabama, U.S.A.

“I’ve always said, taking them off is like taking a utility knife to a bag of that pink insulation.”                                                                                                                            Tammy Valentine, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada

” I too was raised by someone like your Mama, and I know when it’s appropriate to wear SPANX-like to a memorial service. I donned the garment and drove 2.5 hours, attended the service and after event and then made my way home.  Thirty minutes into my drive home I realize my internal organs were throwing a fit! I stopped at the nearest rest stop and somehow managed to take them off, all while not touching my feet or skirt to the nasty floor.  I was so sick of them I chucked them towards the back of my car.  A week later I’m in the grocery store with my reusable bags and the checker pulls out something black and it floats down the conveyor belt with my groceries. A little flash of  ummm panic set in, but I calmed myself and cheerily kept talking to the checker. As I swiped my debit card to pay, the bagger picks up the black item and puts it in my cart. Still in denial, I think, oh I had a ‘Chico bag’ , the reusable bags that fold into a small pouch, that’s probably what it was. The checker  hands me my receipt and I tell the bagger  person I can un-load my cart myself. As I am pushing my cart out I glance down and am instantly mortified!  YUP!  SPANX in my 🛒!  Wowza, two people I don’t know just touched my SPANX!  In a grocery store!  I’m suddenly so embarrassed and laughing hysterically!  I’ve taken a break from shopping at the Safeway on East Avenue. I’m sure you understand why!  I hope you and your SPANX tour come here soon!”                                                                                                                        Robyn Saylor, Chico, California, U.S.A.

In keeping with my “go big or go home” policy, I would like to close out this series by taking it just way too far. Gentlemen, (I know you’re reading this, let’s be honest) you have been warned. The ladies in this video are some of my youtube heroes and I was so excited when they covered a topic so dear to my…muffintop. Ladies, let’s all raise a glass to ourselves, our muffin tops, our spanx and most of all, to our stretchy pants.  Cheers!


Michelle Patterson has been cranking out songs since she was 13 years old. She and her husband, guitarist/songwriter/producer, Barry Patterson, have toured their music together for 22 years. Michelle is the Vice President of Ascension Arts, an organization that facilitates arts education events and performances all over the world. She is also a vocal and songwriting coach. She and Barry are raising four stupendous children and one paranoid hound dog princess.