We are still on the road in Texas and today, I have a guest Gypsy Thug storyteller. I am proud to welcome my own Gypsy Thug husband, Barry Patterson to the mic. This past week, we filmed some songs for a television show and it brought back some serious angst for Barry. He has some wounds from a television taping gone bad from way back in the 80’s. I thought I would let him use my blog to work out his issues and “feel it to heal it”. My lovely readers, please welcome to the stage….Barry Patterson.

That was great. You were a very talented group. On a personal note Elliott is Barry’s mini me at that age.
That is definitely our type of music, right???? And no kidding about Elliott looking like Barry. I used to think he looked so much like me. I may be changing my tune on that. 🙂 Thanks for reading!