About Me

The first bit is my official bio. The last bit is the stuff I REALLY want you to know.

“Michelle Patterson has been cranking out songs since she was 13 years old. She and her husband, guitarist/songwriter/producer, Barry Patterson, have toured their music together for 22 years. Michelle is the Vice President of Ascension Arts, an organization that facilitates arts education events and performances all over the world. She is also a vocal and songwriting coach. She and Barry are raising four stupendous Gypsy Thug children.”


Now to the neety greetie:

  1. I hate chewing noises enough to punch.
  2. There is a list of words you must never say around me, but if I tell you, you will say them. So, I won’t.
  3. My favourite movie is “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”.
  4. If I eat M & M’s, I have to have at least twenty of them in my mouth at one time.
  5. I read magazines backwards.
  6. I am okay going to bed with a trashed kitchen.
  7. I started practicing my Grammy acceptance speech when I was 8.

To find out about my work as a public speaker and my own music career, please visit  Speaking & Appearances.